andrew lloyd webber-"jesus christ superstar"(1970) скачать mp3 файл
07. Simon Zealotes - Poor Jerusalem
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice - Jesus Christ Superstar, 1CD (1970)04:47
08. Trial before Pilate (Including the 39 Lashes)
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice - Jesus Christ Superstar, 2CD (1970)05:13
Gethsemane (I Only Want To Say) ("Jesus Christ Superstar",1970)
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice (исп. Ian Gillan)05:38
I Don't Know How To Love Him (Ария Марии Магдалины из рок-оперы "Jesus Christ Superstar", Andrew Lloyd Webber, 1970)
Марина Артемьева03:25
06. King Herod's Song (Try It and See)
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice - Jesus Christ Superstar, 2CD (1970)03:02
Ian Gillan (Jesus Christ Superstar; 1970; Andrew Lloyd Webber, Tim Rice)
Gethsemane (I Only Want To Say)05:33