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Waltz Of The Biots: a) Particle Storm; b) Cocktails in the Vestibule; c) Grand Ballroom
Erik NorlanderHall of Bright Carvings: a). Theme; b). In The Dusty High-Vaulted Hall; c). The Burning; d). Theme
Titus GroanCritical Mass: a) Leviathan; b) Anthem; c) Republic; d) Foundation; e) Leviathan Reprise
Erik NorlanderSilently Seeking Euridice: a) A Lover`s Tale; b) The Stalker`s Dance; c) Fixing Broken Hearts; d) The Trickery; e) The Stalker`s Stance - Intending It; f) Will-O`-The-Wish
Citizen CainFlight. Incl.: a). As Your Mind Flies By; b). Vacuum; c). New Yorker; d). Central Park
Rare BirdA Plague Of Lighthouse Keepers: a). Eyewitness; b). Pictures/Lighthouse; c). Eyewitness; d). S.H.M.; e). Presence Of The Night; f). Kosmos Tours; g). (Custard's) Last Stand; h). The Clot Thickens ; i). Land's End (Sineline); j). We Go Now
Van der Graaf Generator(Hells Greedy Children) Last Days of Cain: a) Dead Man Rising; b) Tears Of Tomorrow; c) Ixion`s Conclusions
Citizen CainAncient Afternoon of an Unknow: Movement I. Prelude / Movement II. Magician's Words / Movement III. Interlude (On The March) / Movement IV. Glares / Movement V. Mountains Of Munis: a) The Arrival; b) The Theft Of The Incense / Movement VI. The Ambush And The Battle / Movement VII. Interlude (Night On Munis) / Movement VIII. The Dragon And The Ruby Of Kos: a) Towards The Sea; b) The Dragon; c) The Ruby In The Sea Of Kos / Movement IX. Postlude
Ezra Winston