Ghost and the Haunted Mansion (Haunted Bookshop 5)
Cleo Coyle9:38:53
Ghost and the Femme Fatale (Haunted Bookshop 4)
Cleo Coyle8:52:23
Ghost and the Dead Deb (haunted bookshop 2)
Cleo Coyle8:10:58
Ghost and Mrs McClure (Haunted Bookshop 1)
Cleo Coyle7:04:38
Dead To The Last Drop (Coffeehouse 15)
Cleo Coyle11:54:37
Ghost and the Dead Man's Library (Haunted bookshop 3)
Cleo Coyle8:08:26
The Ghost and the Bogus Bestseller
Cleo Coyle9:08:03