coldclaw скачать mp3 файлНа сайте вы сможете скачать песню coldclaw на ваш телефон, планшет или пк!!!Intro ColdClaw01:36Bring Down the Hammer ColdClaw04:05Punish the Blind ColdClaw02:48Searing Wings Through Zephyrs ColdClaw03:20The ColdClaw ColdClaw03:02Succumbed ColdClaw02:57Stillness and Divine Rivarly ColdClaw04:34Bring Down The Hammer ColdClaw03:58Stillness And Divine Rivalry ColdClaw04:34Into the Mirror (Visceral Self-Loathing) ColdClaw04:23Marred Womb ColdClaw03:35A Bastards Afterlife ColdClaw03:26Final Moments ColdClaw03:02The Deafening ColdClaw03:26Baptized in Smoke ColdClaw03:22Crippling Dementia ColdClaw05:16