deva premal, the gyuto monks of tibet скачать mp3 файл
Perfeccion: Teyata Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate So Ha
Deva Premal and The Gyuto Monks of Tibet10:51
Dedicacion: Deseando Que Otros Disfruten El Trabajo De Uno
Deva Premal and The Gyuto Monks of Tibet00:33
Healing: Teyata Om Bekanze Bekanze Mahabekanze Bekanze Radza Samutgate So Ha
Deva Premal and The Gyuto Monks of Tibet13:44
White Tara: Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Mama Ah Yuh Pune Jana Putim Kuru Soha
Deva Premal & The Gyuto Monks Of Tibet11:16