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14. The Path of Tushui (OST-HD: World of Warcraft) Mists of Pandaria 2012 (Vk.Com/OstHD)
Russell Brower, Neal Acree, Sam Cardon, Edo Guidotti & Jeremy Soule05:16
10. Thunder King (OST-HD: World of Warcraft) Mists of Pandaria 2012 (Vk.Com/OstHD)
Russell Brower, Neal Acree, Sam Cardon, Edo Guidotti & Jeremy Soule02:09
[Mists of Pandaria, Vol. 2] 07. Heart Of Y'Shaarj
Russell Brower, Edo Guidotti, Jason Hayes, Glenn Stafford06:52
[Mists of Pandaria, Vol. 2] 05. Shadow Hunter
Russell Brower, Edo Guidotti, Jason Hayes, Glenn Stafford04:31
[Mists of Pandaria, Vol. 2] 10. Sunreavers
Russell Brower, Edo Guidotti, Jason Hayes, Glenn Stafford02:07
[Mists of Pandaria, Vol. 2] 11. Zandalari
Russell Brower, Edo Guidotti, Jason Hayes, Glenn Stafford06:51
[Mists of Pandaria, Vol. 2] 13. Bastions Of Antiquity
Russell Brower, Edo Guidotti, Jason Hayes, Glenn Stafford08:18
Heart of Pandaria (OST WoW)
Russell Brower, Neal Acree, Sam Cardon, Edo Guidotti & Jeremy Soule07:57
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