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V · From the Heart of Jesus opened on the cross, the man with the new heart is born. Lord Jesus, give me a new heart made in the image of yours, infuse a new spirit in the depths of my being, that keeps me open to God, our Father, and available to those w
EL ALTAR DEL HOLOCAUSTOCuando los sacerdotes que llevan el arca del Señor de toda la tierra metan los pies en el agua, el río se dividirá en dos partes, y el agua que viene de arriba dejará de correr y se detendrá como formando un embalse
El Altar Del HolocaustoVI ·They took off his clothes and put a scarlet mantle on him. Then they braided a crown of thorns and placed it on his head. Kneeling before him, they mocked, saying "Hail, King of the Jews!". There is no good tree that can bear bad fruit,
EL ALTAR DEL HOLOCAUSTOEl Que Es Bueno, Es Libre Aún Cuando Sea Esclavo; El Que Es Malo, Es Esclavo Aunque Sea Rey
El Altar Del HolocaustoVi ·they Took Off His Clothes And Put A Scarlet Mantle On Him. Then They Braided A Crown Of Thorns And Placed It On His Head. Kneeling Before Him, They Mocked, Saying "Hail, King Of The Jews!". There Is No Good Tree That Can Bear Bad Fruit, Nor Bad Tree That Can Bear Good Fruit.
El Altar Del HolocaustoI ·because Evident Is God’s Wrath From Heaven Against All Impiety And Injustice Of Men, That They Stop The Truth With Injustice.
El Altar Del Holocaustoagain i say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god
el altar del holocaustoV · From The Heart Of Jesus Opened On The Cross, The Man With The New Heart Is Born. Lord Jesus, Give Me A New Heart Made In The Image Of Yours, Infuse A New Spirit In The Depths Of My Being, That Keeps Me Open To God, Our Father, And Available To Those Who Share With Me The Way Of Life.
El Altar Del HolocaustoVI ·They took off his clothes and put a scarlet mantle on him. Then they braided a crown of thorns and placed it on his head. Kneeling before him, they mocked, saying "Hail, King of the Jews!". There is no good tree that can bear bad fruit,
EL ALTAR DEL HOLOCAUSTOAunque Ande En Valle De Sombra, De Muerte, No Temeré Mal Alguno, Porque Tú Estarás Conmigo; Tu Vara y Tu Cayado Me Infundirán Aliento
El Altar Del HolocaustoIi · Love Your Enemies, Do Good To Those Who Hate You, Bless Those Who Curse You, Pray For Those Who Insult You. If Someone Hits You On One Cheek, Offer Them The Other One.
El Altar Del HolocaustoIii · Moses Stretched Out His Hand Over The Sea, And The Lord, By Means Of A Strong Eastern Wind Throughout The Night, He Caused The Sea To Retreat, And Changed The Sea Into Dry Land. Thus The Waters Were Divided.
El Altar Del Holocausto