empire! empire! (i was a lonely estate) скачать mp3 файл
Everything Familiar Has Disappeared! The World Looks Brand-new!
Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate)01:33
With Your Greatest Fears Realized, You Will Not Be Comforted
Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate)03:07
An Idea is a Greater Monument than a Cathedral (Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate))
Emo Side Project06:49
So How Many Points Do You Have ‘Till You Gain, You Know, The Ultimate Power?
Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate)04:09
Rally The Troops! Poke Holes In Their Defenses! Line Our Coffers With Their Coffins!
Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate)04:23
Since You Left Home On Your Journey, Things Have Changed Around Here
Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate)01:46
With Your Greatest Fears Realized, You Will Never Be Comforted
Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate)03:07
It's So Much Darker When a Light Goes Out than It Would Have Been If It Had Never Shone
Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate)04:37
It's a fate we can't escape. Someday we will all pass away
Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate)04:41