Sins of the Father (Cut) (MGS V: The Phantom Pain)
Akihiro Honda01:18
Dancing with Tears in My Eyes (From MGS V: TPP)
Freedom Call03:52
Sins of Father (Kazlech's cut :) )
MGS V00:42
The Truth - Cassette Tape
MGS V05:27
Quiet but not Silent OST - TGS 2014 Version
MGS V01:22
The agony is your triumph
MGS V03:07
New Order (MGS V Trailer OST)
Sins of the Father (MGS V: The Phantom Pain)
Donna Burke04:54
Big Boss Returns (Epic)
MGS V05:00
The Man Who Sold The World (MGS V OST)
Midge Ure05:38
Блаблабл. Мнение о MGS V и бытовой сепаратизм
The Man Who Sold The World (David Bowie cover. MGS V OST)
Midge Ure05:36
Mission Failed
MGS V00:07
From The Man Who Sold The World (OST MGS V: The Phantom Pain)
David Boyui05:38
MGS V 02:23
Напевы Молчуньи
MGS V00:13
Quiet's Theme & Sins of the Father (OST MGS V: TPP)
Donna Burke06:22
The Phantom Pain Ost - Dormant Stream
MGS V03:21
Not Your Kind Of People (MGS V OST)