The First Noble Truth - suffering.
The Dharma05:22
(ii) The Dharma - The yidam, a visualised symbol of a tantric deity, anf its mantra
The Sangha04:12
The Dharma as a raft - designed differently by different cultures
The Sangha02:34
The Third Noble Truth - the cessation of suffering - the end of craving
The Dharma07:26
The rise and fall - karma and rebirth
The Dharma07:32
The Fourth Noble Truth - The Noble Eight-Fold path.
The Dharma02:34
Pratitya Samutpada - Dependent Origination - The core teaching of the Budda
The Dharma06:30
The Dharma - The Teaching of the Budda
The Dharma06:11
The growth of the Dharma after the Buddha
The Dharma02:39
Conditionality - a process without beginning or end
The Dharma03:52
At the center - a cock, a pig and a snake
The Dharma01:05
God (The Joy's The Dharma Kaya Mix)
Tori Amos12:37
The Second Noble Truth - the origin of suffering is craving.
The Dharma03:43
The Wheel of Life - a mirror of craving and ignorance
The Dharma01:28
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