PeAT - The specter of the east
The Rise of the Specter Part I
Old Tower14:55
2009 - The Specter Of Genius
Olaf Rupp1:01:10
Titanium (The Specter ChillMix) (promodj. com). [Trance-Epocha]
D.Guetta feat.Sia05:00
Anxiety Before Knowing The Specter That Haunts My Soul In Silence
Crushing The Specter (Regainning A Lost Domoinion)
The Rise of the Specter part I
Old Tower29:48
the specter (remix)1
The Rise Of The Specter pt. II (excerpt)
Old Tower15:09
Democracy Incorporated, Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism
Sheldon S Wolin12:23:33
The Rise of the Specter part II
Old Tower14:52