Today's Front-Page Headline [本日の一面記事] (HM)
Akiyama U201:23
Remilia Scarlet's Theme - Septette for the Dead Princess
U2 Akiyama03:11
This Dull World's Unchanging Pessimism [塵界不変のペシミズム] (HM)
Akiyama U203:28
Sakuya Izayoi's Theme - Flowering Night
U2 Akiyama03:20
Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path [春色小径 ~ Colorful Path] (HM)
Akiyama U205:12
Reimu Hakurei's Theme - Mystic Oriental Love Consultation
U2 Akiyama02:55
Memory of Forgathering Oriental Dream
U2 Akiyama01:27
Patchouli Knowledge's Theme - Locked Girl ~ Girl's Secret Room
U2 Akiyama03:09