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Ancient Afternoon of an Unknow: Movement I. Prelude / Movement II. Magician's Words / Movement III. Interlude (On The March) / Movement IV. Glares / Movement V. Mountains Of Munis: a) The Arrival; b) The Theft Of The Incense / Movement VI. The Ambush And The Battle / Movement VII. Interlude (Night On Munis) / Movement VIII. The Dragon And The Ruby Of Kos: a) Towards The Sea; b) The Dragon; c) The Ruby In The Sea Of Kos / Movement IX. Postlude
Ezra WinstonNice Vi - a href='javascript: showLyrics(131851389,21723320);'не буду больше о тебе заливаться слезами.. я больше не нажму прос
WaP.Ka4Ka.RuÉtudes d'exécution transcendante d'après Paganini, S. 140 (1838)- VI. a-moll ''Tema con Variazioni'' (Николай Петров)
F. LisztGoldberg-Variationen, BWV 988: Variatio VI. a 1 Clav. Canone alla Seconda
Johann Sebastian Bach